Speedy Development, Smarter QA- How GreyB Keeps It Simple

It's autonomouse QA!

Speedy Development, Smarter QA- How GreyB Keeps It Simple
Photo by Olav Ahrens Røtne / Unsplash

These days, products are built like they’re in a race — always needing to be faster. Development happens at lightning speed. That’s where Quality Assurance (QA) steps in because, let’s face it, no one wants to use a product that doesn’t work.

QA ensures that what you’re delivering is valuable and, most importantly, functional. The old way, where testing took months, just doesn’t cut it anymore. Speed is everything. Traditionally, you’d need one QA tester for every five developers. But why stop there when developers can handle the basics themselves?

At GreyB, we’ve adopted a smarter approach called decentralized QA. Instead of piling on testers, we have just two QA experts for the entire development team. And yes, that’s enough to cover all the testing needs. This lean model not only saves time but also boosts efficiency.

So how does this work? Here’s the simple process:

1. Accept the User Story: The problem is presented, and the team understands the story.
2. Refinement(Data backed plan improvement): We break down and refine the story for clarity and focus.
3. Planning: We map out development tasks, ensuring smooth workflow.
4. Development(The code part): The engineers dive into the work, bringing the story to life.
5. Release: After testing, we launch the feature to be released, confident it’s up to the mark.

By this point, the product team runs so smoothly, it’s practically doing its own QA — like a well-oiled.

With this streamlined process, we deliver high-quality products quickly, without overloading the team. Who said you need an army of testers when you can just work smarter?